
When it comes to our health and fitness, why do we do what we do?

It’s an important question to ponder because good or bad, the reason is habit.  It’s our “norm”.  Whether or not we recognize it as such is irrelevant because habits are often mindless actions that are so engrained into our day that we often fail to consider the Why?

However, the underlying theme is a much broader and heavily discussed topic when it comes to fitness: MOTIVATION.

The fact is that our habits/actions stem from motivation.  This can be motivation to make positive changes and live a healthier lifestyle, but it can also be motivation to remain stagnant and maintain a routine that is non-confrontational to any habits or perceptions that are essentially detrimental to our health.  To sit on the couch and eat twinkies takes motivation.  Whether its motivation to do nothing, indulge, sulk, or escape, the action (or lack thereof) grows from motivation.  Why do we gravitate towards self-destructive behaviors instead of eating clean and making time to workout regularly?…Because by nature we are like moths to a flame when it comes to comfort zones.  And while breaking free and experiencing more confidence, strength, and a renewed sense of health is worth it, our motivation to push until its second nature often lacks.

So if motivation is at the root of all this, where does it come from and how can we foster more of it to stay on track?

There are 2 kinds of motivation: Extrinsic and Intrinsic.  Extrinsic refers to external forces that call us to action.  It can come from someone in the form of encouragement or praise, a “reward” of sorts when a goal is met, or anything outside of ourselves that encourages us to one behavior or another.  Intrinsic is much different.  This is the golden ticket at the end of the day.  Intrinsic motivation comes from within.  It’s a deeper desire to achieve that is planted stronger than any external stimulus to press on.   This kind of motivation is strong as steel because it is directly correlated and rooted in a personal gratification to achieve.  It is not dependent on recognition, money, awards, etc.  Rather, it is internally fostered, nourished, and increased at will.  Yes, a choice.  The beauty of it is that the more you choose it and rely on it, the more habitual it becomes.  This inner motivation is our wellspring when it comes to staying fitness-minded and focused on improving our health.  Setting a goal completely outside of yourself will only take you so far.  At the end of the day, you must desire it in yourself….for the sake of yourself.

I often preach to my clients that motivation is a daily choice.  It is.  The feeling is not always there, and to think that every trip to the gym or bite of broccoli will be exhilarating is unrealistic.  Motivation begins with action.  In this case, it’s making time to workout, preparing healthy meals, and surrounding yourself with other motivated individuals.  It is absolutely about recreating a lifestyle and habits that ultimately lead you to your goals and cultivate a self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.

My advice from here,…Move.  Choose to live differently and challenge the boundaries of your comfort zone.  Examine your environment (people included), and ask yourself if it/they promote health, growth, and a general sense of positive progression.  Rid your current routine of those things which are holding you back and dare to face life differently.  Seek support and accountability for this aspect of your life…..Then bask in your own self-driven victories along the way.


-Meredith Falcon


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